There are many baby accessories, clothes, and gadgets available on the market, but will any of them assist with breastfeeding? Check out our handy list to find out!
Nursing aids for beginning a breastfeeding relationship.
It pays to be ready because the first few days with your infant are typically pretty chaotic. There are some kits you might wish to have on hand, regardless of whether you go home immediately after giving birth or have to spend a few days in the hospital:
➢ Nursing shirts, nightgowns, and bras for nursing
➢ Portable Breast Pump
➢ Breastfeeding pajamas or nightdresses
➢ Nursing cushion, washable or disposable nursing pads
➢ Muslin cloths
➢ Nipple cream for sore nipples
➢ Nipple formers if you have flat or inverted nipples
➢ Contact information for a lactation consultant, nursing expert, or helpline
If breastfeeding doesn’t quite go to plan, a lactation consultant or breastfeeding specialist may advise you to use the following:
➢ Nipple shields if your baby struggles to latch on, or possibly if you’re suffering from sore nipples. In general nipple shields should be considered a short-term solution. If problems or pain occur, consult your lactation consultant or breastfeeding specialist.
➢ A breast pump to relive engorgement and/or help establish your milk supply.
➢ Some mums also find that cooling hydrogel pads can be soothing in the days following the birth, especially when their milk starts coming in.
What mums found most useful
“My essentials were the portable breast pump, disposable nursing pads, and big muslins to wipe up spillages and to help cover my baby or boobs. Also lanolin cream was an absolute must for cracked nipples, and loose tops and cardigans helped with easy feeding.” Tatjana, mum of three, Switzerland.“The most useful product was a good U-shaped breastfeeding pillow. I also had a rocking chair that, at a certain angle, I found really comfortable for feeding my baby. I always listened to music to relax me.” Violeta, mum of one, Romania.
“A sports-type water bottle that doesn’t leak even when open, so you can have it lying on the sofa or bed next to you. Also, an app to track feeds and remind me which boob my baby took last.” Francesca, mum of one, UK.
“Milk collection shells that you put in your bra to catch any leaking milk. I had such an oversupply, they were a lifesaver.” Lisa-Maria, mum of two, Switzerland.